Outstanding martial arts instruction at excellent value!
Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate
Click on photos below to learn more.
Ages 12 & Up
Youth (Ages 6-11) & Tiny Tiger (Age 4.5-5)
Kama, Bo, Sai & Nunchaku
Group Workshops
Balletone & Tai Chi
Beginner Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for Karate Students
About the Dojo
“Martial arts are my passion, not my profession. For me, this is a way of life. It has never been about selling memberships or counting heads. I want our students to be part of our dojo community because they value the knowledge I have to share and feel connected to an amazing karate family. I have built an inclusive environment where all are welcome. There are no gimmicks, no registration fees, no contracts, just outstanding martial arts training at excellent value.”
Andrew Faupel, Chief Instructor

“The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants.”
— Gichin Funakoshi, “The Father of Modern Karate”